You are about have to access to the most COMPREHENSIVE examination and instructional video of Uechi-Ryu Seisan kata ever made.
You'll have complete access to:
- Nearly 3 HOURS of professionally produced content covering Seisan kata in its entirety
- Detailed lessons covering 13 defensive and offensive concepts
- All techniques broken down and demonstrated at slow and full speed
- All techniques demonstrated from the front and side angles
- Separate upper and lower body lesson for each sequence
- BONUS 17 page PDF Training Guide
Content Overview
- Concept 1: Downward Wrist Strikes & Ridge Hands (morote haito-uchi)
- Concept 2: Alternating Rising Palm Strikes (bushiken age-uke)
- Concept 3: Rising Two-Handed Spear & Knee Lift (morote nukite-zuki, tsuru-kamae)
- Concept 4: Alternating Groin Strikes (gedan koken-uchi)
- Concept 5: Double Spear-Hand to Waist (morote gedan nukite-zuki)
- Concept 6: Front Lunge with Rising Vertical Elbow Strike (mawashi-uke, zenkutsu-dachi, tate-hiji)
- Concept 7: Hammer Strike and Palm Strike (mawashi-uke, tatsui-uchi, bushiken-uchi)
- Concept 8: Circle Block, Forward Leg Front Kick (mawashi-uke, shomen-geri)
- Concept 9: Knee Strike & Alternating One-Knuckle Punch (hiza-ate, shoken-zuki)
- Concept 10: Alternating Spear-Hand Strikes (mawashi-uke, nukite-zuki)
- Concept 11: Reverse Jump into Crane Stance & Counterattacks (shiko-dachi, tsuru-kamae, hiji-zuki, uraken-uchi, shoken-zuki)
A special 17 page Training Guide outlining each of the 13 concepts and their key points